Autonomy Summits

July, 3 & 4, 2024 - LONDON

London Mobility Summit | 2nd Edition 
The Autonomous Vehicle Future 

Welcome to the London Mobility Summit 2024, uniting leading minds in tech, policy and business, to transform movement of people and goods via autonomous vehicles. Explore AV tech, connectivity, and their potential to create sustainable, efficient cities: • Uncover essential policies, standards, and regulations for global AV deployment safety, • Reveal the business benefits of AVs, including cost savings, sustainability and revenue opportunities, • Chart the AV Roadmap, merging tech, policy, and business for future mobility, • Discuss AV's impact on people and goods movement, including delivery automation, • Witness scalable, eco-friendly AV solutions for cities worldwide. Join us at the London Mobility Summit 2024 to collaborate, share ideas, and shape urban mobility's future. Connect with stakeholders, exchange best practices, and foster AV solutions for global cities.

July, 3 - Day 1Smart Mobility Living Lab Demo Day

July, 3,  from 12:00 to 17:00

We want to bring to life the innovations from across the autonomy eco-system and Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) will be opening its doors at their testbed, just a 5-minute walk from Woolwich Works. The SMLL is the world's most advanced urban testbed for AV technology, a London-based real-world connected environment for testing and developing future transport and mobility solutions. The locations of the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford provide a complex uncontrolled testing environment, interacting with live traffic and other road users. The testbed is designed to demonstrate and evaluate the use, performance, environmental impact, safety and benefits of connected and automated mobility technology and future transport services. London is the ultimate proving ground: its challenging layout and transport systems are representative of most features to be found in other towns and cities: if it works here, it will work anywhere. 

The Smart Mobility Living Lab is your gateway to testing AV systems in the ultimate real-world environment. We encourage OEM's, Tier 1's and the wider AV technology supply chain, who are looking to deploy and test in the UK, to join the 'Demo Day' and engage with the SMLL team.

July, 4 - Day 2Main Summit

July, 4,  from 09:30 to 17:00 

Day 2 of the London Mobility Summit offers a unique opportunity to engage with leaders in tech, policy, and business focused on transforming urban mobility and logistics through autonomous vehicles. It's a platform to explore AV technology and its role in creating sustainable, efficient cities, understand the global landscape of AV policies and standards, and witness the business advantages of AVs. A packed speaker lineup, coupled with thought leading attendees from both the private and public sector, makes this summit ideal for networking, exchanging ideas, and contributing to shaping the future of urban mobility and logistics.

2024 Partners include

Content Partner

2024  Key Numbers


Why gather in the British Capital?

London is not only the capital of the United Kingdom, but also a global leader in innovative new urban mobility solutions, including autonomous vehicles. With a long history of transportation innovation, London is the perfect place to gather and jointly push the shift from motorist to mobilist forward through an AV revolution. Hosted for the first time in The Royal Borough of Greenwich who are pioneering new models for a highly connected world, with the ambition to drive a modern, ethical and sustainable regional economy that allows every person and business to connect and thrive.

2024 Speakers

In Partnership with 

London & Partners and Smart Mobility Living Lab

With Autonomy being the world's leading network of sustainable urban mobility actors and London & Partners' ambition to build a world-leading sustainable mobility event in the UK capital, the addition of the Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) adds significant value to the conversation around preparing cities for autonomous vehicles in the follow-up of the 2022’s London Mobility Summit. London is the place, and July, 3 & 4, 2024 is the date, to make the London Mobility Summit grow and become the epicentre of the discussions about The Intersection of Technology, Policy, and Business Cases for AVs and of the definition of actions that public and private mobility providers should take to achieve it.

Grab our London Mobility Summit 2024 brochure to discover all the details about our packages!